Kyo Author of Coder_Kyo, sharing info for novice and professional software engineers increase their skills.

Fix Python on Git Bash

在使用 gcould cli 指令取得 credential 的時候碰到了下面的問題

gcloud container clusters get-credentials {cluster} --region {region} --project {project}
/c/Program Files (x86)/Google/Cloud SDK/google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud: line 41: /c/Users/me/AppData/Local/Microsoft/WindowsApps/python3: Permission denied

嘗試了幾種解法,無論是移除安裝啦,加上python3 alias之類的都無效,且只有 git bash 出了問題。

問題就從 python 的問題轉換到 git bash 的問題了。


  1. 移除 python
  2. win key 搜尋 App execution aliases
  3. toggle off app Installer for python.exe & python3.exe python_gitbash
  4. re-install python
  5. 重開 git bash 就完成了

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